Sunday, 28 July 2019


Stitches out - results time

Time for those pristine after photos. Remember what this looked like through the healing phase (if you were brave enough to look at those pics). It was puffy, red, sore, weird white bits, general horribleness. And it turned out like this. 

The photo was taken about 1 month post-op.

I still have recession on the front lower teeth, but that's OK. The surgeon told me that I could not expect tooth coverage here because of the lack of bone support.

There was some notching on my front left tooth (right on the picture) from where the stiches were pressing down on the gum tissue while healing and left some sharp edges. The surgeon tells me this will smooth out over time and the gum should also creep down the tooth.

Update: In 2019, it's still holding up well. The notching on my front left tooth has completely smoothed out - this took about 6 months.